Here you can read my interview with Miguel Ángel Jiménez on our last encounter.
Favourite film?
My favourite Spanish film is “Mar adentro” but if it’s a foreign film the “The Silence of the Lambs”.
Favourite dish?
Our paella.
Favourite golf course?
In Spain, El Saler, abroad, Carnoustie for example.
The shot of your life?
The Albatross that I did on the 17th hole in Valderrama in 1994, I got it in with a 3 iron.
The shot that you’ve dreamed of?
To win the British or the Masters.
What would you never repeat on a golf course?
I would never again throw my club and split it in two by kicking it.
If you weren’t a golfer what would you be?
A pilot without a doubt.
Ideal partner for a match?
Chema Olazabal.
What is a rest day at home for you?
I get up and have breakfast in the bar reading the newspaper “El País”, coffee, toast and a cigar and from Wednesday on I start practicing, if I have had a tournament the week before.
Your practice swing is to take away the tension or to get the precise angle of attack?
It’s to liberate tension and due to my swing I often feel as though I move to the left.
What you least like about travelling.
Which was your first victory on tour?
The Belgium Open in 1992, the last round I played with Nick Faldo.
How many years have you been on the tour?
23 years.
What is the most unfair thing that has ever happened to you on the golf course?
In Abudabi, on the 11th hole I got it out of the bunker, it hit the flag on the second bounce and with the backspin the ball returned to the spot where I had already played.
Does jet lag affect you much?
I cure it with tablets, when I travel from West to East it is a lot worse.
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